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Sample Scripts

Below is a link to download a sample script. As a creative, you should choose your own style as there is no SET way to write a comic script, more so guidelines. 

Script Writing Basics

Just some basic rules of thumb I've discovered along the way while working with publishers.

Rule 1

The Page number, panel number and sometimes dialogue should be BOLD. This helps any editor, or publisher read your script so it doesn't look like a wall of text. 

Rule 2

There should be a page break in between each page of your script. So if PAGE THREE ends in the middle of a page, press that ENTER key til you're on a new one and keep on chugging. 

Rule 3

If you can't describe it link in a reference image. You'll be working with a creative team and if you have reference images on deck for them it'll make the process smoother. 

Rule 4

Don't forget to add sound FX or bold dialogue lines for emphasis. This may seem small, but a book without sound FX looks WEIRD, and dialogue without bolding for emphasis comes off flat. 

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